Le CHU de Bejaia en collaboration avec le Service de médecine interne, organise à l'occasion de la célébration de la Journée mondiale du diabète le 14 novembre sous le slogan "Vivre avec le diabète", une campagne de 03 jours, le 14, 15 et 16 novembre 2022 à partir de 9h00, au niveau du centre d’Imagerie Médicale du CHU de Bejaia, pour le dépistage et la sensibilisation à l'importance du diagnostic précoce de cette maladie.
' C’est en présence de tous les acteurs concernés par la question du cancer du sein que le Professeur OUDAI a présidé une réunion de coordination pluridisciplinaire autour d’un projet de dépistage du cancer de sein à Bejaia. La réunion a été rehaussée par la présence du Professeur BARKAT, Professeur associé avec la Faculté de Médecine et du CHU de Bejaia, le Professeur BOUKOUFFA, Anatomiste, auteure d’une thèse qui a fait l’objet de plusieurs publications internationales, du Professeur NAAMOUNI, Chef de service de radiologie au CHU de Annaba. Ont assisté également, les oncologues, les épidémiologistes, les anatomo-pathologistes, les manipulateurs de radiologie, les informaticiens et les médecins radiologues conventionnés avec le CHUB. Avant que les débats soient entamés, plusieurs communications ont été présentées par les spécialistes présents. Des communications sous forme de simulation des rôles de chaque discipline. Bureau de l’Information, de la Communication et d’Audio-visuel du CHU de Bejaia'
CHU Béjaia Le 24-04-2018' La direction générale du CHU de Béjaïa a organisé le 16 avril dernier une journée de sensibilisation et d’information sur les dangers liés à Internet, notamment, au jeu de la Baleine bleue au niveau du CEM Naceria, afin de cibler les élèves ainsi que leurs parents. En décembre 2017, ce jeu a fait deux victimes à Béjaïa, des lycéens âgés de 15 et 16 ans, originaires de Sidi Aïch, au sud de la wilaya. Depuis cette date, d’autres tentatives de suicide à travers le défi de ce jeu morbide ont été enregistrées au niveau du CHU de Béjaïa, qui a créé une cellule de prise en charge médico-psychologique pour accueillir et prendre en charge les victimes. Selon Bouzarari Fazia, du service de médecine légale du CHU, unité Franz Fanon, qui a présenté une vignette clinique d’un cas d’une fille âgée de 16 ans, «le CHU a enregistré pas moins de 18 cas d’enfants ayant tenté de mettre fin à leur vie à travers le défi que propose ce jeu Internet». Mme Bouzarari a estimé, après son analyse de ce cas précis, que «la Baleine bleue est un jeu du web ne pouvant être qu’un facteur favorisant le suicide chez des sujets vulnérables présentant un terrain de troubles psychologiques préexistants. C’est le cas de cette patiente qui présentait un syndrome dépressif». En effet, le diagnostic psychologique sur la fille de 16 ans a remonté des «troubles de concentration, des troubles de l’attention, de sommeil, perte d’appétit, sentiments de culpabilité et des idées et scénarios suicidaires». Des symptômes enclenchés par «des problèmes relationnels à l’école, mauvaises fréquentations en milieu scolaire avec notion de chantage de la part de ses camarades (prise de photos compromettantes) et absence de communication familiale». Cette journée de sensibilisation a été marquée, notamment, par le témoignage d’un parent d’une élève originaire de Timezrit qui a échappé miraculeusement à ce jeu de la mort. Mme Djedjig, psychologue orthophoniste, qui a pris en charge cette enfant, a indiqué que «le changement du comportement de sa patiente, 14 ans, élève de la 3e année moyenne, a été constaté à la fin du premier trimestre de l’année 2018. L’échec scolaire serait le déclencheur principal de son recours à ce jeu, qui est perçu par les adolescents comme un moyen de se suicider». L’essentiel des conférences présentées par les psychologues de la cellule de prise en charge médico-psychologique a traité de «la psychologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent et la relation parents/adolescents», et du «comment communiquer avec son enfant», où des conseils pratiques ont été donnés par les spécialistes pour améliorer la communication entre les parents et leurs enfants. «Dans notre société, il existe un certain manque de communication dans la relation entre les parents et leurs enfants. Ceci est en grande partie dû à l’existence de sujets tabous que les parents ont peur d’aborder, par crainte du pire, ou tout simplement parce qu’ils n’ont pas eux-mêmes communiqué avec leurs parents et ne jugent donc pas forcément nécessaire de le faire avec leurs enfants», atteste le psychologue Abbassi Abdeslam, dans son intervention. Concernés au premier plan, les quelques parents présents ont eu droit à une communication sur «le contrôle parental», où Mme Adrar Meriem a donné des «signes d’alerte» identifiables sur les adolescents qui s’adonnent au jeu de la Baleine bleue. On peut observer dans ce cas, selon l’oratrice, «l’attachement d’une façon anormale de l’enfant à son téléphone, son détachement de la vie sociale et familiale». «Souvent l’enfant éprouve une baisse d’estime de soi, des sautes d’humeur, changement de ses habitudes et sommeil instable et perturbé en plus du sentiment de solitude», ajoute-t-elle. En plus de la communication, les parents doivent «encadrer l’utilisation d’Internet, éviter de laisser un enfant seul devant l’écran, placer l’ordinateur dans une pièce commune, surtout pas dans sa chambre, afin de garder un Å“il sur ce qu’il fait. Et si votre adolescent possède un smartphone il faut limiter l’argent de poche pour diminuer au maximum l’accès à la 3G», avant que les signaux n’arrivent. Par; Nordine Douici, El Watan du 22.04.2018 Bureau de l'Information, de la Communication et d'Ausio-visuel du CHU de Bejaia. '
CHU Béjaia Le 24-04-2018' A la lecture du bilan très appréciable du CHU en matière de réalisation et d’acquisition des équipements médicaux pour l’exercice 2017, la Direction Générale du CHU tient à rendre un vibrant hommage au personnel du bureau des marchés composé exclusivement de femmes ainsi qu’aux commissions d’ouverture des plis et d’évaluation qui ont travaillé « d’arrache pied » pour obtenir un résultat très honorables avec une consommation budgétaire de 92,98%. Elles ont surtout permis la mise à niveau des services médicaux en termes d’équipements ainsi que l’humanisation des unités khellil Amrane, Frantz Fanon et Ait Mokhtar (Maternité) Targa Ouzemour. Nous sommes conscients que le chemin reste long pour notre « Petit » CHU qui joue désormais dans la « cour des grands » et notre espoir est que ce personnel soit pris en exemple en terme de don de soi, d’abnégation et de souci de travail bien fait. « Thumbs up for us ». Bureau de l’Information, de la Communication et d’Audio-visuel du CHU de Bejaia'
CHU Béjaia Le 17-04-2018' I am very pleased to write to you in order to thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to meet with you and visit your wonderful and prestigious University and CHU, as well as the wonderful city of Bejaia, for several days. My visit has been an unforgettable, wonderful, and valuable experience, as it allowed me to get to know you better, personally, and to develop a deeper appreciation of the great assets, quality, and potential of the University and the CHU, as well as their mission and needs. It also allowed me to better understand how I could make best use of my own background to contribute to the further enhancement of the reputation and prestige of the University and CHU. I wish to thank you especially Professor Danoune for spending so much time with me and making sure my visit went very well, even though you were, obviously, extremely busy. I am very pleased I was able to talk to you, personally, and to so many professors, doctors, nurses, administrators, and staff. I was both impressed and pleased by the team spirit that seems to bind everyone, where everyone is obviously motivated and dedicated to the success of the University and Hospital and the welfare of the patients and community. It was a true privilege to see you Professor Danoune, Professor Zouzou, and others, in action caring for patients as late as midnight! I was truly impressed, Professor Danoune, that you, the General Director, would not leave the CHU, late at night, before seeing, inquiring about, and comforting every patient. It was obvious this brought much relief and gratitude to the suffering patients and their families. I was truly touched by your dedication. As I observed all this, I told myself, this is what true doctors are! It was also a great pleasure to get to meet and know many other professors, administrators, doctors, and nurses. This includes Professor Derradj, and the CHU General Secretary Mr. Tenkhi, as well as your office secretaries. The visits to Bejaia made possible by you, Professor Danoune, and your wonderful and knowledgeable chauffeur, Nacer, and my numerous discussions with you and others, have left a deep impression on me, as they centered on the prestigious thousandsyears-old history of Bejaia. I am particularly attracted by the honor and privilege of living and working in the city where the great Ibn Khaldun lived, walked, and taught. Joining your University will allow me to carry in-depth research on Ibn Khaldun, for a better understanding of our 1 culture and history, but also for the relevance of his thought to modern problems of education, economics, and civilization. This is because as Ibn Khaldun wrote: “The past resembles the future more than one drop of water resembles another.†And as the famous British historian Arnold Toynbee wrote on Ibn Khaldun’s major work: “The Muqaddimah [is] undoubtedly the greatest work of its kind that has ever been created by any mind in any time or place............the most comprehensive analysis of how human affairs work that has been made anywhere" I am looking forward to collaborating with you and others to help improve my education in the historical and cultural heritage of Bejaia, and to allow me to hopefully bring my own contributions in this area. I have been both very pleased and impressed by the extraordinary growth of the CHU, especially by the creation of many new dynamic and quality departments and the hiring of well-known and qualified professors, such as Professor Zouzou, a prominent and remarkable professor of cardiology. I admire the motivation you gave me, Professor Danoune, for such growth, that is to provide a first rate service to the community. All this was achieved in just a few years, since I last visited in 2013. These positive changes are probably due in part to your collegial management and leadership abilities, Professor Danoune, with a special emphasis on the team spirit, that I believe motivates everyone at all levels. These achievements are all the more remarkable, in view of the limited resources available. I am sure other CHUs in Algeria will benefit from your experience and example. With the above observations, my visit of several days, which you have graciously organized, has confirmed to me, beyond any doubt that, the University of Bejaia and the CHU Khelll Amrane, will be an ideal environment for me to join this year, and, hopefully, in the future, in order to bring my own best contributions in service of the population of my native Bejaia, the University, and the CHU, and ultimately, my country, Algeria. My goal is to join my brothers and sisters at the university and CHU in their efforts to further enhance the prestige of the University and CHU of Bejaia and help them achieve a leadership role in the Maghreb and internationally. My intention is to help transfer to the University and CHU the best practices in American science and technology and know-how, which I have learned through my several decades of studying, teaching, and doing research in universities and industry in the USA. I also strongly believe in community service, and the best community I could possibly serve will be that of my native Bejaia, and Algeria. As is summarized in my CV, I have an extensive multidisciplinary experience in higher education and research in the USA. I also had two years of postdoctoral research experience in chemi2 cal engineering at the CNRS in France. Following my PhD in Physics obtained at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, I consider my postdoctoral experience unique, in that it is multidisciplinary, including physics, biophysics, biomedical, electrical, mechanical, electromechanical, and chemical engineering. My main research interests are focused on biophysics and biomedical engineering and their application to medicine. I believe that my background is ideally suited to teach and advise students at the University of Bejaia in biophysics, and multidisciplinary engineering, at all levels, and directing Bachelor, Master, and doctoral theses. I am interested in contributing curriculum development to the faculties of Medicine and Engineering, in which I have had an extensive and successful experience. I have submitted several research projects in biophysics, applied to medicine. In addition, I will be very interested in collaborating with you, Professor Danoune, in your current projects, as well as other University and CHU colleagues. These research projects are ideally suited for multidisciplinary teams of medical, nursing, engineering, physics, biology, chemistry, computer science and mathematics majors. These projects will last many years to come and can involve numerous undergraduate and graduate students, from freshman to doctoral students. Interested colleagues are also invited to participate. In addition, grant proposals will be written for funding, from Algeria and the USA. These multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary projects will help build bridges between departments of the University and the CHU. Please, note that the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in the USA, which advises the American government on engineering education, predicted in its 2005 report, “The Engineer of 2020,†that the engineer of the future will have to be multidisciplinary. Therefore elite American Universities are starting to move in this direction. This, along with an emphasis on project-based education, is an excellent opportunity for the University of Bejaia to become more competitive and achieve an international leadership role. I believe that bringing engineering and medicine together will also be highly beneficial to the CHU, as modern medicine depends crucially on technological progress. A proven model is that of the prestigious School of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University, which has a department of biophysics and a department of biomedical engineering. While at the University of Bejaia, I will be happy to research and implement the best way to introduce such model at the University of Bejaia. Based on my current knowledge, few universities in Algeria have a biophysics department and I do not know of any that has a biomedical engineering program. According to statistics of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), biomedical engineering is, however, the fastest growing engineering field in the USA. This is therefore a great opportunity for the University of Bejaia to achieve a national and international leadership role. Another program that will be beneficial to the Faculty of Medicine at Bejaia and the CHU will be the introduction of MD/PhD program, an area where there is high demand internationally, and which only the best medical schools in the USA have. I will be happy to help develop such a program. 3 In conclusion, I wish to thank both of you very much, Professor Saidani, and Professor Danoune, for graciously organizing my visit to your prestigious University and CHU. I wish to congratulate you for your able leadership and the progress you have brought about during your tenure. This visit has confirmed to me, beyond any doubt, that the University Abderrahmane Mira, and the CHU Khelil Amrane will provide an ideal environment where I can bring my best contributions and service to the community, to help the University and the CHU enhance their prestige and achieve a national and international leadership role. I am looking forward to joining the University and the CHU soon. Best regards Salah Badjou. Office of Information, Communication and Audio-Visual of Bejaia University Hospital.'
CHU Béjaia Le 22-03-2018